Septic Care Tips for Condos and Apartment Buildings
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Sep 13, 2022
A drain field is an aerobic biological filter. The bacteria in a drain field break down waste products in the wastewater discharged into it. They use oxygen from a central aeration system to break down solids and release the nutrients found in wastewater back into the environment. The wastewater drains from the home via underground pipes or gravity flow and is piped to the drain field, where it flows through perforated piping into pits, where soil microbes work to break down this material. But how do you know when the drain field is not doing its job? Can you resolve the problem with septic tank pumping? Or, will you need a septic tank repair? Septic Blue of Raleigh can help determine the answer. In the meantime, let’s discuss the signs of a drain field problem.
The purpose of a drain field is to remove wastewater from the septic tank and disperse it over the soil. A drain field can be gravel, crushed rock, or sand. Drain fields are usually located on a lower elevation than your home or building but can be elevated or below grade. Problems with your drain field can lead to severe consequences for your health, property value, and environmental safety.
If there are pools of water in your drain field, this indicates a broken pipe or a crack in the system. The pooling water will leak into your house, causing damage to your floors and walls. You will also see sewage odor inside your home or the area where the pooling water is located. The odor is caused by bacteria that thrive on decaying matter. Urgent attention is needed.
If you smell sewage odor from your drain field, this can be caused by several things. If you have recently used too much fertilizer on your lawn, this can cause an overflow at your drain field and cause a sewage odor throughout your home or yard. This is usually temporary until the grass dies or stops growing as much as it was before. If there are pools of water in your drain field, they may contain bacteria that causes gas to form, leading to a foul smell. Sewage odors are usually temporary, but if they persist, you should call Septic Blue of Raleigh for more information on how to fix it correctly so that it doesn’t happen again!
Sewage odor is a problem that can happen in any home. When sewage odor comes from your drains or toilets, it can be very alarming. The first thing that you should do is to call Septic Blue of Raleigh to assess the problem and find out what's causing it. If it's something simple, such as a clog or slow drain, they should be able to take care of it quickly. However, if there is a leak somewhere in your system, they will have to locate it and perform a septic tank repair before removing the smell.
If you have greener grass than other people around you, there could be something wrong with your drainage system. Septic Blue of Raleigh will determine if one of your pipes has been damaged by roots growing into them or if too much water is being used by all of the houses on your street, combined with poor drainage systems in each home. Either way, they should be able to fix the problem so you can enjoy greener grass again!
Clogged drains often cause toilets to run constantly, gurgle, or don't flush properly. While it's tempting to reach for drain cleaners, they're not always effective and can damage pipes if overdosed or misused. It's better to call Septic Blue of Raleigh to see what is really going on.
The most important thing is for homeowners to be proactive about their septic systems. This can be achieved through regularly scheduled maintenance and quality control checks. Contact Septic Blue of Raleigh if you notice any of the above signs. This will ensure any problem is identified and repaired before it gets out of hand and permanently damaged.