The Role of Microbes in Your Septic System
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Apr 25, 2022
The holidays are perfect with friends and family. The food, the fun, and more. The holidays can also be stressful and a prime time to have potential problems with your septic system. You can take steps to reduce the potential for septic system problems during your festivities. Start with septic tank pumping from Septic Blue of Raleigh.
You don't want to have Septic tank problems when it's time to start celebrating around the holidays. Nothing ruins the holiday as much as needing an emergency septic tank pumping on the big day while company is visiting.
If you host a large gathering over the holidays and have a septic system, it is crucial your system is working properly before the big day. Having your septic tank pumped will ensure that your system is functioning at its best, preventing potential problems that can cause severe damage to your yard and home.
A technician from Septic Blue of Raleigh can help you plan a pumping schedule for your needs and tank size.
The technician will remove scum and sludge from inside the septic tank during the septic tank pumping process. Septic systems handle waste from normal household use, including laundry, showers, dishwashing, flushing toilets, and garbage disposal use. Any additional water or waste entering the system can cause significant problems for both short-term and long-term use.
The most common issue with septic systems occurs when wastewater overflows into the leach field. This happens when too much water enters the tank at one time, causing backups in toilets and sinks, and other areas.
If you need a septic tank repair, contact Septic Blue of Raleigh as soon as possible. This isn't something you should procrastinate with.
If you are having a gathering of family and friends for the holidays, we recommend that you rent a port-a-potty for your guests to use, minimizing use of the septic system and reduce the chances of having any significant problems. If you haven't consulted with your septic tank company, Septic Blue of Raleigh, in preparation for a big event, you should!
Septic systems are designed for a certain amount of wastewater flow per day through the tank. Suppose your tank gets overloaded, particularly in freezing weather. In that case, it can cause many problems, including freezing pipes and even causing your tank to float if the ground gets saturated with water.
One way to help with this is by avoiding doing laundry, taking fewer showers, and avoiding running the dishwasher when you have a lot of guests at your home. You might also consider splitting up laundry loads into two days — one load in the morning and one in the evening. This will help spread the flow so that it doesn't get overwhelmed all at once.
Run your dishwasher and washing machine only when full, and set them to the shortest wash cycles. Don't let your garbage disposal run for extended periods, as this can lead to more frequent pump-outs.
Minimize water use during cooking. Try to wash dishes by hand rather than running them through the dishwasher. You can also do things like pre-soak pots and pans or prep your food before the big day to minimize water use at the heaviest times.
Prep Your Food before the big day to minimize water use at the heaviest times. Peel potatoes and chop vegetables in advance and store them in plastic bags or food storage containers, so they don't dry out.
Ask your guests to only flush toilet paper down the toilet, not anything else. Be mindful of bathroom use on a day-to-day basis, especially during the holidays when there are many more people using the bathroom.
Most people use their homes for parties and gatherings during the holiday season, so it's essential to be extra cautious about what you flush down the toilet. Flushing non-biodegradable items down the toilet may severely damage your septic tank system, skyrocketing septic tank repair costs. Instead, wait until everything has been disposed of properly and contact Septic Blue of Raleigh to have your tank pumped and inspected before the holidays.