Septic System Types to Know About
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Having a septic inspection in Chapel Hill is very important in order to ensure that your septic tank works at its optimal levels. Aside from the septic tank inspection in Chapel Hill, technicians also provide a number of maintenance care information to clients. During the septic inspection in Chapel Hill, the technician will give you the following advices;
#1: Paper towel, tampons, diapers and even cigarette butts must be thrown inside the thrash and not flushed through the toilet or basins. The septic tank inspection experts believe that items such as pesticides, gasoline, and paint can destroy the bacteria located inside the septic tank hence they must never be flushed down the basin. Chemical item such as detergent and bleach can enter the plumbing system of the septic tank and cause some minor to aggravated damages.
#2: automobiles of any nature must not be driven on or very near the drainfield of the septic tank, the weight of such automobile can damage piping of the system. Weight of the piping system is one of the main focus of technicians during septic inspection in Chapel Hill. The septic tank inspection expert will also advise that only grass may be allowed to be planted on septic tanks, and the reason being that roots of trees and shrubs can cause serious damage to the tank. No digging or construction of any type must be permitted on top of the drainfield.
#3: The septic tank inspection expert will also advice that all forms of drainage, especially those from rain water, pumps and surface water must be diverted from the drainfield. septic tank inspection in Chapel Hill , usually involve the technician looking out for signs of leaky faucets in toilets , bathrooms and kitchen , and the reason being that one can prolong the life of a septic tank and spend less on septic tank inspection in Chapel Hill , by fixing such faucet immediately.
Septic system inspection also involves the experts looking for cracks at the level of the effluent, because the effluent would normally have drained from the septic tank especially through the crack. The septic inspection technician also checks for effluent level below the tanks outlet because a tank with cracks will definitely allow effluent to leak into the surrounding places.
Though , septic system inspection is not part of the general home inspection , but the technicians valuable advice can help home owners secure their septic tanks and spend much less on septic system inspection , on the long run.
As the septic inspection is being performed by the technician, all septic system dangers are noted and pointed out. Aside from removing solid wastes, all signs of septic tank weaknesses are noted, these include rusting metals, unstable lids, and leakages.
When it comes to recommending reputable septic inspection companies in California, one of the most trusted and widely recommended companies is Septic Blue of Raleigh which is known for its professional, highly skilled and certified technicians who possess decades of septic inspection, repair and maintenance experience.