When Does My Septic Tank Need to Be Cleaned?
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Oct 03, 2022
If you are not a part of a sewerage system, then you most likely have a septic tank near your home. A septic tank is an underground tank which processes wastewater and separates solids. All of the water or waste that goes through your drains goes directly to this septic tank. These tanks consist of certain bacteria that is in charge of separating the solids entering the chamber. As these chambers are extremely sturdy, this doesn’t rule out the possibility of a problem occurring. If you want to invest in septic care then contact Septic Blue of Raleigh today.
Oftentimes, many residents throw away trash or waste that septic tanks are unable to break down. This can include grease, chemicals, and non-biodegradable substances.
A couple instances of this happening won’t do much harm, but if it becomes a consistent occurrence, then a problem is inevitable.
If a problem does occur, a septic tank pumping service is the preferred choice to resolve the issue. Pumping is the process of removing waste, which is known as sludge, from the bottom of a septic tank. Neglecting this action can result in consequences. As time goes on, the sludge at the bottom of the tank builds up slowly and eventually blocks the outlet pipe. The outlet pipe is where the liquids flow into the drain fields. If this occurs, then possible sewage back-up can happen through your pipes which can cause smells and slow drainage.
This is an easily avoidable problem if you invest in proper septic care. The average recommendation known for a pumping service is about 1-2 years. As this can vary from property to property, it all depends on the occupants system and the amount of residents living inside the home.
There are a couple ways to prevent these problems from happening. One is conserving water. Taking a shower while your dishwasher and laundry are on is an example of bad water management. This can overwhelm the system as there is too much to handle. Another one is educating the people in your home. If you're in a residence full of people, then the usage of water will rise. Educating them can lower the amount of water being sent down the pipes into the tank.
A consequence of neglecting septic care is a septic tank repair. These can be extremely costly, whereas a simple septic care service would be half the price of a repair. A septic tank repair can go from changing filters and having leaks to going as far as replacing the whole system.
There can be multiple causes that require a repair afterwards. A simple cause is ignoring a pumping service and carrying on with your day. Another one is the special bacteria wearing off. The worst case scenario is a tree root cracking through the system which causes heavy leaks.
Consulting a professional about this matter is the recommended action as the experts have the knowledge and tools available to resolve the issue.
Having to experience the smell of sewage back-up from your septic tank can be awful. Contacting the professionals at Septic Blue of Raleigh is the best scenario for you as we have state-of-the-art tools available to handle any problems we’ll face. Call our friendly representatives to send a technician your way today.